Sunday 29 October 2017

FREEDOM for Sicilonia

Photography by Andreu Dalmau, 2009. Photomontage: Vicente A. Fontelos.

By Vicente Alonso-Fontelos.

Freedom for Sicilonia is a critique to the corruption of the nationalist politicians of Catalonia region (Spain). They practice an ideology by which the rights of race, language, and culture are above The Declaration of the Rights of the Woman and Man of the Citizen, whose principles emerged from the French Revolution, in 1789. And they were inspired before by the American Revolution, and before by England Revolution.

The hard core of this ideology is in the privilege, which later becomes exclusion and finally totalitarian supremacy, as happened throughout the twentieth century, from the genocide of the Armenian people, the barbarism of Nazism or the Balkans war nearby in the former Yugoslavia.

The corruption in their funding system, to which they feel no guilt because their ideology resembles a mystical experience full of political prophets. In addition, they do not have accountability to citizenship, because they fulfil a sacred mission seem a religion, and no ethic public policy.

The conflict between ethics and politics that engages political ethics is better conceived as a conflict between the different demands that ethics itself makes on politics. Ethical principles that apply in almost any context including politics confront those that apply typically in political contexts. In its most general form, ethics requires that persons act on principles that could be accepted universally, that is, by anyone who did not know his or her particular characteristics, such factors as social class, race, sex, and nationality. [1]

[1] Thompson, D. F. Political Ethics and Public Office. Harvard University Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts and London: 1987.


  1. Me llamo Agustín Jimenez y estoy interesado en una fotografía que creo hizo usted en el 4-10-2006, lo firma Pino Fontelos. Es de cuando los reyes estuvieron a qui en Ciudad Real en la Universidad.Se ve al rey Juan Carlos sentado firmando y la reina de pie con traje amarillo. Quería que me autorizara a publicarla en un libro que estoy escribiendo. Gracias. Mi correo es
